Beef patties with caramelized onion gravy



Another Swedish classic: beef patties with caramelized onion gravy, pickled cucumber and boiled new potatoes!

I make my beef patties similar as my meatballs (a recipe that’s also on my website), so it's pretty much the same recipe. The onion gravy gives it great depth and flavor and goes great with the tangy cucumber! If you have, it’s great to serve this with some blackcurrant jelly as well.

INGREDIENTS (5-6 Portions)

Beef patties

  • 1 kg minced beef/pork, ratio 70/30 if possible, but 50/50 works as well

  • 2 dl breadcrumbs

  • 1 dl double cream

  • 1 dl milk

  • 2 finely chopped onions fried in butter 10-15 min, chilled

  • 1 raw grated onion

  • 1 tbsp Japanese soy

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 tsp salt, lots of freshly ground black pepper

Pickled cucumber

  • 1 cucumber

  • 0,5 dl vinegar ("ättika")

  • 1 dl sugar

  • 1,5 dl water

  • 0.5 tsp salt

Caramelized onion gravy:

  • 5 yellow onions

  • A very generous nub of butter

  • Olive oil

  • 1 tsp brown sugar

  • 1 tsp Chinese soy

  • 1-2 tsp balsamic vinegar

  • Salt, black pepper

  • 2-3 dl water

  • One beef stock cube


  • Chervil or parsley, for garnish

  • Black currant jelly, for serving


1. Cucumber: combine the ingredients for the brine and whisk until all sugar has dissolved. Thinly slice the cucumber, preferably on a mandolin, and add to the brine. Let sit for 15 seconds-1 month.

2. Caramelized onion: thinly slice the onion. Fry on medium to high heat in butter and olive oil, season with salt in the beginning to draw out moisture and speed up the caramelization process. Once the sound goes from "fff" to "sss" (which is a sign that the water has evaporated and that it will start to burn), lower the heat to low/medium and continue frying. The first step should take 10-20 min. Once you've lowered the heat, fry until it gets golden, about 15-30 min more. Stir every now and then.

3. When you're satisfied with the caramelization, add the sugar, vinegar and soy and fry until the sugar has dissolved. Add the water and the stock cube, bring to a boil and simmer for a few min. Adjust seasoning with more salt, pepper and/or vinegar if needed.

4. Patties: combine all the ingredients. Shape into desired shape and fry in butter and oil on medium heat on both sides until clear meat juice appears on the top, that means that they're done. Add some water to the pan to deglaze and add the tasty juice to the onion gravy.

5. Boil new potatoes in salted water.

6. Serve the patties with the new potatoes, pickled cucumber, lots of caramelized onion gravy and top with chervil or parsley!

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