
Probably one of the most traditional Swedish starters, invented by Tore Wretman.

Toast Skagen, or Skagenröra, can be made in a lot of ways, and it doesn't have to be the "traditional" recipe to be good or correct. My personal preferences about what aspects that are important to consider when it comes to making a, in my opinion, really good Skagenröra:

  • Hand peeled shrimps (important) that are really dry, see note below

  • Ratio 2:1 mayonnaise/creme fraiche

  • Enough sauce to make it creamy, but not so much that it runs out on the plate

  • Lots of dill

  • Lemon and salt for flavor, nothing else

  • Butter roasted bread for serving

You can of course flavor the Skagenröra with whatever you find suitable; other herbs, other types of seafood, horseradish etc. It won’t be the traditional recipe, but it will be YOURS! And we all know that’s the best one.

INGREDIENTS (8 sandwiches)

  • 2 kg shrimps, preferably 50/70 but  70/90 is also good

  • 1 dl mayonnaise, potentially more (see recipe below)

  • 0.5 dl creme fraiche, potentially more

  • One pot of dill

  • salt, freshly squeezed lemon  juice

  • Pieces of white bread

  • Enough butter to smear 8 breads

Home-whipped mayonnaise

(makes ~3-4 dl but might just as well make a lot; lasts for weeks/months i the fridge)

  • 1 whole egg

  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar

  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard

  • 0.5 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • 1 tbsp high quality olive oil (for flavor)

  • 3 dl peanut oil/neutral cooking oil


  1. Mayonnaise: pour the egg all ingredients in a high mixing bowl. Put in a handheld mixer in the bottom, turn it on and slowly lift it so everything comes together. Lift it up and down a few times to make sure everything is evenly mixed. Taste so it's a good balance between acidity and saltiness. If necessary, add a little more vinegar or salt.

  2. Skagenröra: peel the shrimps. Put on a generous amount of kitchen paper. Put an equally generous amount of kitchen paper on top of the shrimps and pat it a bit. Soggy shrimps = watery Skagenröra, dry shrimps = creamy skagenröra. Let sit 10-15 minutes so the moisture is absorbed by the paper.

  3. Add the shrimps to a bowl. Add mayonnaise and creme fraiche, ratio 2.1, until you get the consistency you want.

  4. Add finely chopped dill, salt and lemon juice, stir until evenly incorporated then taste and potentially adjust seasoning.

  5. Smear the bread with butter. Roast in a 200 degree oven until golden.

  6. Top the bread with the Skagenröra, a slice of lemon and some more dill!

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